Summer is slowly winding down and this also means the end of strawberry season. There's still a little time left to get some great California strawberries though! To celebrate the end of another great season, the California Strawberry Commission has partnered with Griffin Eats OC to give away a Copco Strawberry Tea Kettle! To enter the contest, wait for the Rafflecopter form below to load and then follow the directions to enter!
Did you know that in addition to being delicious, strawberries are EXTREMELY healthy?
Here is an excerpt from David Grotto's book 101 Optimal Life Foods with some great info about the health benefits of strawberries:
Strawberries are SUPER! Let Me Count the Ways
By David Grotto, RD, LDN
Author of 101 Optimal Life Foods
Spokesperson for the California Strawberry Commission
You may have seen the term “superfruit” associated with various fruits in the marketplace. It certainly has become a popular term tossed around quite a bit in the media lately. It prompted me to think, “What exactly qualifies a fruit to be ‘super’?”
When writing 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, I researched the term “superfruit” and found that there wasn’t a legal definition for it. But as a registered dietitian, I knew that certain fruits had unique qualities and health attributes that made them different from others. In deciding what fruits to include as worthy members of the 101 Foods book, I looked for distinguishing factors such as nutrient density, which is a measure of how much nutrition is delivered in comparison to the calories provided.
Another important attribute was evaluating the health benefits of adding in a specific fruit into the diet. But as a consumer who also has an eye on taste and versatility, regardless of how healthy and nutritious a superfruit is, if it isn’t accessible, easy to prepare, and great tasting, then in my book, that fruit is less-than-stellar. Not surprisingly, strawberries are a perfect example of a superfruit that meets all “super” criteria!
Super Nutritious
And with such a low calorie and sugar profile they are a welcome addition for people who want to look and feel their best all year long – not just in the summer! Strawberries are packed with a variety of nutrients including vitamin C, folate, fiber and potassium.
They also contain important plant nutrients called polyphenols such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, ellagitannins, gallotannins, quercetin, kaempferol and phenolic acids.
Super Healthy
Being nutritious is great, but what about the effect of those nutrients on health? Scores of studies exist that evaluate the health benefits of the nutrients found in strawberries.
• Potassium helps control blood pressure and fight stroke.
• Fiber helps control weight and relieve constipation.
• Vitamin C helps repair damage in the body and is an important nutrient in promoting a healthy immune system. This is especially important during cold and flu season. Folate is a B vitamin that fights birth defects and helps control the inflammatory process associated with heart disease.
The plant nutrients found in strawberries, particularly polyphenols, have antioxidant capabilities that can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. These two harmful processes have been linked to major challenges to our health, including cancer, cardiovascular and neurological disease, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and pulmonary disease. Polyphenols help protect and repair cells.
Research on these and other nutrients found in strawberries have shown
promise in various studies in:
• Improving cognitive decline,
• Reducing damage that leads to aging,
• Enhanced signaling between brain cells,
• Reducing total and LDL cholesterol and preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol,
• Reducing the requirement of insulin for glucose control, and
• Protecting DNA from harmful mutations.
Super Accessible
Some superfruits are only available fresh at certain times of the year or not at all – not so super. Because California strawberries are grown year round, you can find them fresh or frozen at your local grocery store whenever you want them.
Super Delicious
Perhaps this is the one “super” trait that trumps them all. Who cares if a fruit is good for you if it isn’t delicious? In fact, strawberries are ranked #1 as kids’ favorite fruit and adults love them, too! They are versatile as an ingredient in salads, soups, sweet and savory dishes…you name it. And best of all, they are pretty super tasting all by themselves.
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Shukitt-Hale B, Lau FC, Joseph JA. Berry Fruit Supplementation and the Aging Brain. J Agric Food
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Basu A et al. Freeze-dried strawberry powder improves lipid profile and lipid peroxidation in women
with metabolic syndrome: baseline and post intervention effects. Nutr J. 2009 Sep 28;8:43.
Jenkins DJ et al. The effect of strawberries in a cholesterol-lowering dietary portfolio. Metabolism.
2008 Dec;57(12): 1636-44.
Zafra-Stone S. et al. Berry anthocyanins as novel antioxidants in human health and disease. Mol Nutr
Food Res, 2007 Jun;51(6): 675-83.
Weaver J et al. Strawberry polyphenols are equally cytotoxic to tumorigenic and human breast and
prostate cell lines. Int J Oncol. 2009 Mar;34(3): 777-86.
Cheplick S, Kwon YI, Bhowmik P, Shetty K. Phenolic-linked variation in strawberry cultivars
for potential dietary management of hyperglycemia and related complications of hypertension.
Bioresour Technol. 2010 Jan;101(1): 404-13.
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